Madrugada... ese punto entre el claroscuro excepcional del alba y la noche, esas horas invadiéndolo todo, apabullando tu alma, la noche más oscura antes de ese punto liminal donde la noche parece fundirse con el día y parecen solo uno.
La Madrugada es mi hora, no solo mi hora más oscura sino mi hora también... no sé cómo explicarlo, no sé si puedes entenderlo tampoco, sinceramente, espero que sí...
Ese claroscuro antes del alba a veces es lo más cercano a un amanecer que experimentamos los noctámbulos, cuando durante la madrugada, literalmente "across the nigh, It was the moon that stole my slumber", cuando, la cabeza y el mundo parece un atolladero indescriptible e indescifrable... Todo parece un caos, pero aun es más íntimo que el día apabullante de la gente, digamos, "normal". Y ese atolladero se queda con nosotros hasta que cuando comienza a despuntar el alba, junto con con ese amanecer nuestras almas también parecen encontrar cierta suerte de "reposo", y se siente algo así...
It's curious how one of the bands I love the most has the name of one of the songs I love the most, from another band that's one of the most I love too...
But I'm not here to talk about my love for Silverchair, (not for now), but this will be explored across the night anyway... Yes, across the night... some random thoughts through this Madrugada...
Sivert Høyem 🖤 apenas lo escuché en 2021 y ya varias de sus canciones ya entraron a un lugar importante en mi vida! Su música ya está desde entonces junto a la de otros grandes en mi mente y corazón... Y en 2022 su música me salvó...
Yep, at first only this was this is beyond me!!! I fell into this MASTERPIECE and simply couldn't stop listening to this MAJESTIC song over and over again... Can you feel too some Pink Floyd vibe since the bridge?
And then their music totally saved me... Yes, I totally feel into their music...
It automatically touch my heart so deep inside, since the very first chords! Sivert's music create something I can even physically feel, and it fulfills and invades my chest. I just can't explain the way his music makes me feel...
So deep touching! They always know how to touch that deepest and hurting place... there, where the soul's bleeding... where we were broke inside.
I can't, just can't get enough of Madrugada, and of Sivert's voice and touching singing... and all of their lyrics and music. The way, HOW MUCH they move me, from the inside... It overflows from me, It really surpasses me. Thanks for their sublime music!!! It saved me more than once...
It can't rain all the time... someone said ^V^
Their deep touching and breathtaking music saved my life and, somehow, made it stop raining inside... And yeah, it probably hurts when the rain is gone, but I feel that bittersweet deliverance in every note and every word I hear from them.
It's like, somehow, I enjoy the pain when it comes from their music, maybe just because it seems like it do understand...
No puedo con ellos, su música es mucha, DEMASIADA cosa!!! Muchísima música que realmente toca el alma!!!
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